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Berichte #1 aus Shreechaur (PMC/ Kindergarten)

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 20150504 08093020150504 082353 DSCN1472DSCN1476DSCN1492

Verteilung von Hilfsgütern für die Einwohner von Shreechaur auf dem Gelände vom PMC


Tag 4 nach dem Beben:
Jetzt wird "angepackt", zunächst mit Aufräumarbeiten und einer Bestandsaufnahme

We make a  group (17 people) for support in shreechaur today the group  from support somebody is doing all the materials out from damage house and some body is how many house  broken this is count and how many house in   cannot live people that’s all the collecting.  
Average total house in shreechaur I things 650 but the house not all damage. Houses  is I things 150 houses damage completely and 250 then more house cannot live  people.  
Government school  have 500 student is studying there but now  need  some palls for the student  learns. also government  health post for  some palls need there. Now we are giving  free service from PMC all the people.
I will give in the news from supporting Germany ("ZukunftsKinder Nepal") to  CDS AND PMC related to  the supporting  for Shreechaur VDC.
May be  more house  damage or may be  less we can finished collection today evening then I will again send to you.
Money  is important  for  support  because  someone  have a  need  tent  ,someone have a   need   food  ,someone have a need  cloths, someone have a need pots so I things money is ok to help because they can buy what they need.
I send to  for help to  villagers   Toman, Bir ,  Chandra, and Uncle.
Your Peshala

Erste Bilder und Nachrichten aus Shreechaur, dem Ort, in dem das PMC liegt (28.4.15)

Aus der Umgebung des PMC erreichen uns drei Tage nach dem ersten Erdbeben wieder regelmäßig Nachrichten und sogar erste Bilder (s.u.).
Im Ort Shreechaur sollen ca. 60% der Wohnhäuser zerstört und 30% unbewohnbar sein.
Zum Glück gab es in dieser Region wenig Verletzte und keine Toten, denn die Menschen waren mittags auf den Feldern und in den Gärten.

Tag 3 nach dem Beben:

Peshala Tamang, die Leiterin des PMC, schreibt am 28.4.2015 an Martin Camps und seine Frau Susanne

Dear  Martin+Susanne


May be you can seen the picture  in mail. Today morning  I am very busy because a lots of  diarrhea ,vomiting ,and fever case  is coming   you see in the picture  of  PMC today morning.  And also you can see  out vision PMC   2 chairs and 1 basket  for the bring  patient.

In this time  in the PMC over crowded but is ok.

You can see in the picture situation of  PMC, government school, government  health post, VDC office, and villagers   fooding situation,  living  situation is very hard.

The people  are  reporting  the government  . government  provide Rs-5000 thousand / house   but  it is  will be get  may be  after one month  I thing it is very late. Because   government people are not coming for help we don’t know  who will be come   for support  from government.  Today  4 days  earthquake  start  in shreechaur  all over  the  Nepal,  but villager don’t know  who will become for support  from government side. living in  this situation  they have no pots ,no cloth, no  tent. It is very rainy day.

Your Peshala

1 Hausansicht 2 Ansicht PMC 3 VDC Office 4 Government Healthpost 5 Patienten im PMC

1: Eingestürztes Wohnhaus, die Familie sucht nach Lebensmitteln und Kleidung.
2: Am PMC werden Dinge gelagert, die aus den Trümmern in Sicherheit gebracht wurden.
3: Das Verwaltungsgebäude in Shreechaur.
4: Der Government Health Post.
5: Patienten im PMC ("PMC today morning").

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