Verteilung von Hilfsgütern durch Bipana mit Unterstützung von Peshala und Team
Das zweite große Erdbeben hatte das Epizentrum hier in dieser Region und es wurde praktisch ALLES zerstört. Hier eine Mail von Bipana
Von: Bipana Tamang
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2015 08:43
An: scamps
Betreff: All are safe
Respected Susanne-Martin
We are safe from the second big earthqake that occured yesterday. And we had a call with eachother. According to Peshala sis the wall of the kinder garden has been destroyed. All are safe at Shreechaur. And at Mirge all my family are safe and the villagers too. The 4 people from another village and 1 people from Dhanesh village got injured. They were taken in hospital in ktm.
We all are safe Susanne-Martin. Lots of thanks for looking after us and good rememberance to us. Our best greeting to you.
Yours truly